Is It Really Free
Soccer or Footbal is a way of life in many countries and a culture in other soccer nations. Conclusion. Statesmen, who use the wrong words, shape history in the wrong way. Words from history that led to the Middle East conflict. Seldom before or since has such a short letter had such baleful consequences for world history. It was issued in the form of a letter between British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour and Lord Rothschild to be communicated to the leaders of The Zionist Movement. The result was The Balfour Declaration issued on November 2nd 1917, the text is reproduced below. The result was that there were demonstrations in France demanding war, which Napoleon III rather foolishly declared. The new company setup, as a result of the agreement was called Tethyan Copper Company in which Government of Balochistan had 25% share. An unjust clause is that a 25 per cent share will be paid to the Balochistan government, but only after it invests 25 per cent in the project. What is Reko Diq Project?
Reko Diq is believed to contain 12.3 million tons of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold in inferred and indicated resources. ‘Below the sands lie some 12.3 million tons of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold. 2.6bn in 2005 and the largest reserves in the industry, at nearly 90 million ounces. Some surveys have suggested that Reko Diq may contain as much as 11 billion pounds of copper and nine million ounces of gold. Reko Diq is a small town in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan, in a desert area 70 kilometres north west of Naukundi, near to the Iran-Afghan border. 5bn. In December 2005 it said: “Tethyan’s principal assets are a 75 per cent interest in the highly prospective Chagai Hills region of North West Pakistan known as Reko Diq, including the Tanjeel Mineral Resource. Being diversified and investing in solid assets -such as gold or silver- is a smart play in the upcoming months.
Total indicated and inferred mineral resource estimates at these properties are 1,213 million tonnes with a copper grade of 0.58% and a gold grade of 0.28 grams per tonne. Reko Diq is a giant copper and gold project in Chaghi. The expected mining operations in Reko Diq will depend on sub-surface water with the exploration of underground water potential in the region being a pre-requisite for any mining project. The Balochistan government has a 25% share while Barrick Gold has obtained 50% of the Reko Diq project. One, the provincial government got a share in the exploration venture when normally governments in other countries suffice themselves to only royalties and taxes. Royalties were reduced from the initial four to two per cent. There are two important points to note here, which Faisel Naqvi has already mentioned in one of his pieces on the subject. Use Innovative Phasing Most companies budget on an annual cycle and are under huge pressure from investors to deliver short-term profitability. We should give oppurtunity to our university graduates for experimenting and finding alternative exploring techniques rather than foregin companies. Even with its huge potential, there are no firms which classify cryptocurrency as an alternative investment.
A further 14 mineralized porphyry bodies are known to exist, with the potential to place the Reko Diq Project among the largest undeveloped copper resources on the globe. The copper-gold deposits at Reko Diq are believed to be even bigger than those of Sarcheshmeh in Iran and Escondida in Chile’. BHP Billiton, which was involved in the project at an earlier date, also believed Reko Diq may have the potential to yield copper resources that may eventually make it a multi-billion project. Actually Barrick has a 50% interest in Tethyan Copper Company (the other 50% is owned by Antofagasta plc), which has a 75% interest in the Reko Diq project and associated mineral interests (for a resulting 37.5% interest in Reko Diq). BHP Billiton sold its 75% share to Barrick Gold (a Canadian company) and Antofagasta PLC (a Chilean company) – 37% a piece. Second, the 25% share of Balochistan government was agreed upon with the understanding that the government will not have to invest anything from its own treasury. In 1993, the Government of Balochistan signed an agreement with Australian BHP Billiton for joint exploration purposes.